FFBT - Father Flanagan Boys Town
FFBT stands for Father Flanagan Boys Town
Here you will find, what does FFBT stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Father Flanagan Boys Town? Father Flanagan Boys Town can be abbreviated as FFBT What does FFBT stand for? FFBT stands for Father Flanagan Boys Town. What does Father Flanagan Boys Town mean?Father Flanagan Boys Town is an expansion of FFBT
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Alternative definitions of FFBT
View 2 other definitions of FFBT on the main acronym page
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- FSL Focus St. Louis
- FHS Freedom Healthcare Staffing
- FSL Forestry Solutions LLC
- FTF First Things First
- FDG Funnel Design Group
- FFCRE Flinn Ferguson Corporate Real Estate
- FPC Faith Presbyterian Church
- FNL Foundation for Natural Leadership
- FRGBR Family Road of Greater Baton Rouge
- FWOCE Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
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- FLL For London Ltd
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